Dolffin Discoveries
2006-05-31 Wed @ 12:15 a.m.

The One Big Medical Day

Today I was off work. Fun, right? Not so much.

It started with a modified barium swallow. Not too hard. Swallowing different stuff (with a little barium mixed in) in front of a big xray. I got to watch the food dropping down. Very interesting.

What did it show?

Nothing! Everything normal. Good news/bad news.

Then I stopped by and saw two old coworkers (I once worked in this hospital) then went home for a brief break before meeting J for lunch. Applebee�s.

Then the marathon began. First up, an inner ear test. Lots of clicking. (And waiting in the same waiting room was a long-time locally-famous weatherman, perhaps named something like L0rm Newis, who was not at all happy about waiting.)

What did the test say?

Nothing! Everything normal. Good news/bad news.

Then the follow-up with the ENT, who just told me to up my meds. (prevacid)

Rushed to my general practitioner�s office, and she was good. Listened to my complaints about her incompetent office staff. And she is doing a bunch of bloodwork to find some hint of some reason I have all these annoying medical issues.

So I gave up my blood in little viles and was nearly late for the MRI. A thousand bangs later, and I was finally home by 8.

Not exactly the best day off, but if it helps figure out what is wrong with me, time well spent I suppose.

This is bizarre I realize, but don�t tell me you can�t see it.

Here is a couple I would like to see:

Ryan Seacrest and Ty Pennington!

I am telling you, if those two got together, they could take over the world!

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